Video Coding & Architectures

Research focus

The Video Coding and Architectures research group is part of the Signal Processing Systems department of the Eindhoven University of Technology. The research spans areas of video analysis, image/video segmentation, object-oriented and 3D video compression that underpin systems-oriented research on video coding and architectures. This work pursues state-of-the-art video functionality at high cost-efficiency (e.g. for real-time aspects and/or mobile applications), through a combination of novel algorithms and architectures.


The courses offered by VCA Lab are are well aligned with our research and offer students content to grow in knowledge and skills to tackle real world challenges.

In the following, you find an overview of the courses offered by the VCA lab.

Course code Course name Level Time Slot
5EIA0 Computation I: Hardware/Software Interface Bachelor Introductory Q1
5LSH0 Computer Vision and 3D Image Processing Master Elective Q2
5LSM0 Convolutional Neural Networks for Computer Vision Master Elective Q3
5LIA0 Embedded Visual Control Master Elective Q4
5XSL0 Fundamentals of Machine Learning Bachelor Advanced Q4
5LSJ0 Image Analysis for Health-Care Technologies Master Elective Q3
5XSH0 Cognitive Neuroscience Bachelor Deepening Q3
5ESC0 DSP Fundamentals (Signals II) Bachelor Major Q2
5XSA0 Introduction to Medical Image Processing Bachelor Advanced Q4
5LIV0 Video Health Monitoring Master Elective Q2
5LSE0 Techniques for Video Compression and Analysis Master Elective Q3


To finish the Master studies you have to enroll in a Graduation Project. For graduating within the VCA lab, you can contact one of our researchers to discuss what possibilities there are. The VCA lab offers master projects in three main research branches Automotive, Healthcare, and Surveillance. To learn more about these projects visit our projects page.


The VCA lab cooperates with industrial partners that frequently have internships available for graduate students with a background in machine learning. Get in touch with us to discuss the available options for an internship. We are happy to shape the internship according to your own wishes and interests.


More information about the VCA lab can be found at the TU/e website or our site. Do you have any questions regarding the information above? Please do not hesitate to contact one of our researchers.

Collaboration partners

We are grateful to work with our collaborative partners: