

Research focus

At NeuroPlatform we study neurodegeneration, neuromodulation and neuronal networks in the field of cognitive ageing. We have a multidisciplinary team of engineers, clinical researchers and industry partners that collaborate on translational research projects, which typically involve technologies like magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, advanced simulations of brain networks, and the application of neuromodulation. We aim to advance the scientific understanding of cognition and its decline in neuropsychiatric disorders like epilepsy, stroke and depression, and through this we aim to develop new protocols and technologies for treatment


To finish the Master studies you have to enroll in a Final Project. You can discover some of our projects in the Master marketplace. There you can find the latest information regarding the registration as well as an extended description of the active projects within the ICT Lab. Just remember that once you are logged in the Marketplace portal, you can filter the list of projects by choosing the capacity group. Choose SPS in the Research group option, and select any of our researchers as the Responsible staff. If you have any questions regarding one of our projects, please do not hesitate to contact the responsible for the project you are interested in.

Master Projects & Internships

We have a broad range of challenging projects for Master students. These projects concern MRI data acquisition, analysis and neurostimulation. To learn more about these opoertunities visit our projects page. We also offer the possibility of collaborating with industrial and clinical partners in the framework of the student projects.


More information can be found at our site. Do you have any questions regarding the information above? Please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Sveta Zinger by sending her a mail at, or Dr. Bas de Hon at

Collaborative partners

We are grateful to work with our collaborative partners: