Mobile Perception Systems Lab

Research focus

The MPS lab specializes in the following AI methods: deep learning, multi-modal computer vision, and simultaneous localization and mapping. These are key enabling technologies that allow mobile sensor platforms to perceive and interpret their environments from past and current sensory data, in essence estimating a dynamic digital world-model in real-time.

In coming years, we aim to make a step in the direction of spatiotemporal reasoning engines that allow mobile sensor platforms to predict possible future events and thereby achieve anticipation capabilities. Currently, the lack of anticipation capabilities, is a key bottleneck in deploying mobile autonomous systems in complex and dynamic environments, such as self-driving cars in crowded inner cities.

We firmly believe that in order to advance AI and its applications, both an inter-disciplinary approach and a strong cooperation with industry are required. Hence, we are involved in many cross-disciplinary European projects and initiatives, such as the International Connected and Automated Driving Institute, and we recently started the company AI In Motion to bring our technologies to the market.


The courses offered by MPS Lab are are well aligned with our research and offer students content to grow in knowledge and skills to tackle real world challenges.

In the following, you find an overview of the courses offered by the MPS lab.

Course code Course name Level Time Slot
5AUA0 Advanced sensing using deep learning Master elective Q4
5XSJ0 Automotive sensing Bachelor/Advanced Elective Q1
5XSK0 Data fusion & semantic interpretation Bachelor/Advanced Elective Q3


To finish the Master studies you have to enroll in a Final Project. You can discover some of our projects in the Master marketplace. There you can find the latest information regarding the registration as well as an extended description of the active projects within the ICT Lab. Just remember that once you are logged in the Marketplace portal, you can filter the list of projects by choosing the capacity group. Choose SPS in the Research group option, and select Gijs Dubbelman as the Responsible staff. If you have any questions regarding one of our projects, please do not hesitate to contact the responsible for the project you are interested in.

Master projects

To learn more about these projects visit our projects page.


More information can be found at the TU/e site or at our site. Do you have any questions regarding the information above? Please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Gijs Dubbelman by sending him a mail at .

Collaboration partners

We are grateful to work with our collaborative partners: