Information and Communication Theory Lab

Research focus

At the ICT Lab, we investigate fascinating mechanisms at the foundations of information and communication theory, aiming to develop powerful new models and techniques to push the limits of the current communication technologies.

Our research connects information and communication theory to different research areas, including fiber optical communications, next-generation wireless systems, radar processing, and information security. We investigate these fields through the use of digital signal processing, source coding, and channel coding. The scenarios that we focus on ideally result from close interaction with the industry.


The courses offered by the ICT Lab are effective guidance for you to building up skills in a practice-based learning environment. What’s more, our courses introduce you to real-world experiences that help you acquire a solid knowledge of Information and Communication theory and engage you in the design of the yet to come theories and technologies.

In the following, we present an overview of the courses offered by the ICT Lab. If you are interested in graduate within our Lab, you might want to consider adding some of these courses to the courses package of your Professional Development Plan.

Course code Course name Level Time Slot
5LSK0 Digital wireless communication exploration lab Master elective Q1
5ETB0 Communication Theory Bachelor/Advanced Mandatory Q2
5XSE0 Information Theory Bachelor/Advanced Elective Q3
5LSF0 Applications of Information Theory Master elective Q4


To finish the Master studies you have to enroll in a Final Project. You can discover some of our projects in the Master marketplace. There you can find the latest information regarding the registration as well as an extended description of the active projects within the ICT Lab. Just remember that once you are logged in the Marketplace portal, you can filter the list of projects by choosing the capacity group. Choose SPS in the Research group option, and select Alex Alvarado as the Responsible staff. If you have any questions regarding one of our projects, please do not hesitate to contact the responsible for the project you are interested in.

Master paths

For Master students, the ICT Lab offers you guidance via master paths. A master path consists of a set of courses that are coherently aligned and focused on a specific research area. These areas could be fiber optics, wireless communications, radar processing, and information security, and many more. Here we offer you a list of master paths hoping to give you insights and inspiration on how you can engage in the future of information and communication theory.

ICT Lab Master Paths
Forward Error Correction and Machine Learning
Machine Learning and Biomedical Diagnostic
Machine Learning and Data Transmission

By joining the ICT Lab, you will be working on real-world problems side by side with leading researchers who are developing the foundations of future communications technologies.

The master paths are NOT the only way you can engage the ICT lab! You can also contact us if you need advice on designing the courses package of your Professional Development Plan.


The ICT Lab cooperates with industrial partners that frequently have internships available for graduate students with a background in information and communication theory. Get in touch with us if you would like to discuss the opportunity for joining a company like NXP, Philips, NICT Japan, Fujitsu Network Communications (FNC), or Intrinsic-ID. If you are interested in doing an internship with one of our academic partners (e.g. Duke University, Chalmers University of Technology) also don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.


More information about the ICT lab can be found at the TU/e site or at our site. Do you have any questions regarding the information above? Please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Alex Alvarado by sending him a mail at A.Alvarado@tue.nl.

Collaboration partners

We are grateful to work with our collaborative partners: