BMd Lab

Biomedical Diagnostics Lab

Research focus

We develop algorithms for the interpretation of biomedical signals and data acquired with a variety of sensors, ranging from ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging, up to electrophysiological and photoplethysmographic recording. The lab positions itself on the edge between data-driven and physics-driven analysis through a continuous effort towards understanding the application domain and modeling the full measurement chain: (patho)physiological sources, sensing physics, and signal acquisition. To this end, research is carried out in tight collaboration with our clinical and industrial partners. The main application areas are oncology, cardiovascular, gynecology-perinatology, sleep, perioperative care, neurology, and neuromuscular research.


Education is tightly linked to research. Therefore, the main activity consists of supervision of student projects ranging from Bachelor, Traineeship, and Graduation projects. Find below an overview of the courses offered by the

Course code Course name Level Time Slot
5XSA0 Introduction to Medical Image Processing Bachelor elective Q4
5XSD0 Medical ultrasound Bachelor elective Q4
5CTA0 Statistical Signal Processing Master course Q1
5SSC0 Adaptive Array Signal Processing Master course Q3
5LSB0 Monitoring of respiration and circulation Master elective Q2
5LSC0 Biomedical Sensing Technology Master elective Q3
5LSL0 Machine Learning for signal processing Master elective Q4
5LSJ0 Image analysis for healthcare technologies Master elective Q3
5LIV0 Video health monitoring Master elective Q2
3MA100 Physics behind Medical Technology(+) Master elective Q3

(+) this course is also given as part of the School of Medical Physics and Engineering Eindhoven (SMPE/e)


To finish the Master studies you have to enroll in a Final Project. You can discover some of our projects in the Master marketplace. There you can find the latest information regarding the registration as well as an extended description of the active projects within the ICT Lab. Just remember that once you are logged in the Marketplace portal, you can filter the list of projects by choosing the capacity group. Choose SPS in the Research group option, and select any of our researchers as the Responsible staff. If you have any questions regarding one of our projects, please do not hesitate to contact the responsible for the project you are interested in.

Master projects

To learn more about students opportunities visit our projects page.


Given the international nature of the BM/d Research Team, several students interested in biomedical applications of signal analysis come from different European countries to carry out their master projects within the Erasmus Exchange Program. A number of established international connections also enable us to arrange external projects abroad, in countries such as Italy, Denmark, Rumania, and USA. Obviously, next to supervision, also a number of specialized courses are given, especially in the area of sensing and clinical monitoring. If you are interested in enrolling an internship with one of our partners don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.


More information about the BM/d lab can be found at the TU/e website. Do you have any questions regarding the information above? Please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Massimo Mischi by sending him a mail at

Collaboration partners

We are grateful to work with our collaborative partners: