Coherent packages with SPS contribution

In the Bachelor program the university offers coherent packages, which are selected groups of courses that relate to a single theme. Below you can find an overview of the coherent packages offered by the department of Electrical Engineering. For the most up-to-date information you can visit the official website for the coherent packages of the Major Electrical Engineering . The SPS group also offers several courses in these packages, so if you are interested in following these courses, you might want to consider following all the courses of the coherent package.

In the overview below the SPS specific courses are highlighted in boldface.

Coherent packages within SPS

Care and cure

Course code Course name Responsible SPS Lab
5XPC0 Neurophysiology and neurostimulation
5XCB0 Electronic and photonic components
5XSD0 Medical ultrasound BM/d


Course code Course name Responsible SPS Lab
5XPC0 Neurophysiology and neurostimulation
5XSH0 Cognitive neuroscience BM/d
5XSA0 Introduction to medical image processing BM/d

Intelligent vehicles

Course code Course name Responsible SPS Lab
5XSJ0 Automotive sensing Mobile Perception Systems
5ETA0 Intro telecommunications
5XSK0 Data fusion and semantic interprestation Mobile Perception Systems

Machine learning and information processing for communications

Course code Course name Responsible SPS Lab
5XSL0 Fundamentals of Machine Learning VCA/Bias Lab
5XSE0 Information Theory ICT Lab
5XTA0 Telecommunication systems