Convolution sum operation

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Convolution sum

Realization scheme of a finite impulse response filter.
Realization scheme of a finite impulse response filter.

Because of the fact that the impulse response coefficients of an FIR filter are equal to the weights of the filter, it follows from Fig. 1 that the DE can be written as: $$ y[n] = \sum_{k=0}^{M-1} h[k] x[n-k] $$ This equation performs the so called convolution sum operation: It describes the filter operation of an FIR. From this equation it follows that the procedure to compute the output samples $y[n]$, for any index $n$, can be described as follows:

Convolution sum procedure:
  1. Plot the impulse response weights $h[k]$ as a function of index $k$.
  2. Plot the input signal samples $x[k]$ also as a function of index $k$.
  3. Mirror (reverse) the input signal samples. That is replace $x[k]$ into $x[-k]$.
  4. For each new index $n$, shift the mirrored signal samples $x[-k]$ to index $n$, resulting in $x[n-k]$.
  5. For each new index $n$, the output signal sample $y[n]$ is equal to the sum of the element by element multiplication of the sequence $h[k]$ and the sequence $x[n-k]$ in the range $k=0,1, \cdots , M-1$, since $h[k]=0$ outside this range of indices.

In literature the symbol $\star$ is used to describe the convolution sum, thus: \begin{equation*} y[n] = \sum_{k=0}^{M-1} h[k] x[n-k] \equiv h[n] \star x[n] \end{equation*}


Show in a plot the convolution sum result of $x[n]=\delta[n]+2 \delta[n-1]+3 \delta[n-2]$ with an FIR filter with coefficients $b_0=b_1=b_2=1$.
The impulse response of the FIR filter writes as: $h[n] = \delta[n] + \delta[n-1]+\delta[n-2]$. The upper hand two plots of the figure below show the impulse response $h[k]$ and the input signal samples $x[k]$. The next step is to mirror the input signal samples into $x[-k]$. Now for each new sample $n$ we have to shift this mirrored sequence of input signal samples over $n$ samples and calculate the sum of the element by element multiplication of the two sequences $h[k]$ and $x[n-k]$. The intermediate results of the sequence $x[n-k]$, for ${\color{blue}{n=0}}, {\color{red}{n=1}}$ and ${\color{green}n=2}$, are depicted in the figure below, while the result of the convolution sum procedure for all indices $n$ is as follows: \begin{eqnarray*} \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \newline n=-1 & \Rightarrow & y[-1]=h[0] x[-1] + h[1]x[-2] + h[2] x[-3] = 0 \newline {\color{blue}{n=0}} & \Rightarrow & {\color{blue}{y[0]}}=h[0] x[{\color{blue}{0}}] + h[1]x[-1] + h[2] x[-2] = 1 \newline {\color{red}{n=1}} & \Rightarrow & {\color{red}{y[1]}}=h[0] x[{\color{red}{1}}] + h[1]x[0] + h[2] x[-1] = 3 \newline {\color{green}{n=2}} & \Rightarrow & {\color{green}{y[2]}}=h[0] x[{\color{green}{2}}] + h[1]x[1] + h[2] x[0] = 6 \newline n=3 & \Rightarrow & y[3]=h[0] x[3] + h[1]x[2] + h[2] x[1] = 5 \newline n=4 & \Rightarrow & y[4]=h[0] x[4] + h[1]x[3] + h[2] x[2] = 3 \newline n=5 & \Rightarrow & y[5]=h[0] x[5] + h[1]x[4] + h[2] x[3] = 0 \newline \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \end{eqnarray*} Thus the output signal samples can be described as: $y[n] = \delta[n] + 3 \delta[n-1] + 6 \delta[n-2] + 5 \delta[n-3] + 3 \delta[n-4]$ which is depicted at the lower right corner of the figure below.
Example of convolution sum procedure.
Example of convolution sum procedure.

From the previous example it follows that the convolution sum procedure results in a finite length sequence of output signal samples in case both the sequences of the input signal samples and the impulse response have finite length. In general:

When the length of an input sequence of signal samples is $N$ and the length of the sequence of impulse response values is $M$, then the convolution sum procedure results in a sequence of length $N+M-1$ output signal samples $y[n]$.